Wednesday, January 19, 2011

by design...

Those of you who know me best probably think the title refers to my avocation of decorating.  And you'd be partly right.  But in my desire to experiment with the idea of blogging, I readily admit that the idea of having enough to share in the realm of making spaces look attractive is a little scary.  And truthfully, most of my ideas come from years of  pouring over the creations and ideas of others to cultivate an adaptation for myself.  So maybe I'll share those ideas, but just maybe I'll delve into other thoughts and meanderings.  After all, there is design in be ready for tablescapes and "mindscapes".  Ultimately, this is something I'm doing just for design.


  1. Momma Lu I love your blog and CAN'T WAIT to read more about the perfectly designed details of your life:)

  2. Mama bear has a blog! I'm so pumped about this!
