Friday, September 9, 2011

What's next?

One thing I'm sure...God is on His throne...I am not.  And I'm not sure of what tomorrow, next minute even, holds.  Pain and suffering is all over the globe in unspeakable measure.  Waters crash, earth heaves, murderous despots create terror...and worse.  Here in our little haven, someone I love has a broken heart.  It seems insignificant in light of all the world's tragedies.  Actually, it is.  But for her, for us, for now it is wrenching and seemingly unbearable.  But just as sure as the pain is real, so is healing a reality.  It comes, leaving a bit of scar tissue behind as a reminder of things learned and of the investment that was made which always becomes a part of who we are.  So we go on, thrilled that it is God who is on the throne.  He is here and in the future.  He's not only got my back, He is clearing the path.